Companies spend their time in one of three areas:
- Sales
- Service
- Solutions
A company that doesn’t fix problems, and provides poor service, will spend the majority of its energy generating sales. Unfortunately, many companies in the retirement plan industry operate this way.
A company that fixes problems, and provides good service, spends much less energy generating sales, since sales are a natural byproduct of fixing problems and providing appropriate service. This is where we choose to concentrate our attention.
The focus of Advantage Resource has always been on providing solutions to the real-life problems faced by our customers. Sometimes the answer (a solution) to a customer’s question (a problem) is difficult, but a solution is still needed. Worker401k, along with our other service offerings, have been borne out of this need. Because of this, all plan solutions include:
- Custom Plan Design
- Complete fee transparency
- Open fund architecture
- Qualified Default Investment Alternatives options
- Plan Sponsor resources and training
- Participant resources and training
Whether an existing plan or a new plan, we start with what the company is trying to accomplish. Each company’s unique business circumstance determines best fit. Our Administration services, Record keeping services, access to WorkerServices, and other plan services directly support each Plan Sponsor successfully utilize a plan that fits their unique company needs.